Thursday, January 1, 2009

Covered wipe case

The very first thing I did was burn myself. What's up with that. I've been doing that a lot today. Anyhow, as I sit here listening to my younger two Stickies fight and annoy the heck out of my 8 year old, as it's 11 am and she's still in bed...I was thinking that I need to post these pics. So here they are.

This is the first year that I did complete handmade gifts for the children's ministry. I totally forgot to take pics of the dog tag necklaces that I made, so I'm bummed about that. I'm going to try to get all of the kids to wear theirs on a particular day/time and I'll snap a pic then.

So I made 11 dog tag necklaces, 2 sets of hairbows for toddler girls and covered wipe cases for the toddler boys that are too young for dog tags.








Mazzy Blue Studios said...

That is very cool!!! I have not tried making one of these yet but I have two friends that have just had babies....weighing the odds of being able to tackle this project!!!!

Ritz said...

Selena, this is one of the easiest projects I've done! Just google diaper wipe case instructions. I just suggest to pull tight on the fabric. Other than that, you can use the gimp trim or even coordinating ribbon. It's super easy!